Reqnroll v1.0 released with SpecFlow compatibility



I’m proudly announcing that the first version of Reqnroll has been released: v1.0.0 (Release notes).

For the background and motivation of the Reqnroll project, please check our intro post.

This first release is based on SpecFlow v4 beta and contains all improvements of that. It also includes a SpecFlow compatibility package that can be used to migrate SpecFlow projects in minutes. Please check out our detailed migration guide.

Reqnroll has been published through and in order to install it, you only need to add a NuGet package reference. Please check out project setup guide for the detailed setup instructions.

By adding Reqnroll integration to your IDE, like Visual Studio 2022, you can work even faster with Reqnroll. Please check our IDE setup guide for the instruction details.

If you are new to Reqnroll & SpecFlow, we recommend going through our Quickstart guide that helps you step-by-step to have your first Reqnroll project.

Our more complex sample application, ReqOverflow has also been published. It can be used as a more complex showcase with domain-call, REST API and Web UI automation examples.

For all the features and integrations of the project, please check out the documentation.

Reqnroll is free, but we provide dedicated support through our paid subscription packages. Purchasing them will also support the sustainability of the open-source project.

If you find any issues or have ideas, please use our community support channels to report them.

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